Kamis, 06 Juni 2013

Recount Text

Vacation to London

Mr. Richard’s family was on vacation. They were Mr. and Mrs. Richards with two sons, they went to London. They saw their travel agent and booked their tickets. They went to British Embassy to get visas to go to Britain. They had booked fourteen days tour. This includes travel and accommodation, and tours around London.

They boarded a large Boeing flight. The flight was nearly fourteen hours. On the plane, the cabin crews were very friendly. They gave them news paper and magazine to read, they gave them foods and drinks. There was a film for them, so they had a pleasant flight.

On arrival at Heathrow Airport, they had to go to Customs and Immigration. Mr. Richard and his family collected their bags and went to London desk. They arranged the transfer for a hotel. The hotel was a well-known four star hotel. The room had perfect view of the park. The room had its own bathroom and toilet. Instead of keys for the room, they inserted a key-card to open the door. On the third floor, there was a restaurant serving Asian and European food. They had variety of food.

Two weeks in London went by fast. At the end of two weeks, they were quite tired but they felt very happy.

Minggu, 19 Mei 2013


1.          Coordinate Conjunction : menghubungkan coumpound sentece ( and,but,or,for,so,yet ).
a.    And (dan)
Ex : Mrs.  Fadlan planned to go home to Makassar, and he would bring her child  with her.
b.    but (tetapi)
Ex : Dr Rendra teaches at UII, but his son, Ricky ,doesn’t  go to school there.
c.    or (atau)
Ex : Please send the letter to your father, or call her trough ,my  mobile phone.
d.    for (untuk)
Ex: I have something for you.
e.    so (jadi)
Ex: You must study hard, so you can get best mark on test.
f.     yet (namun/tetapi/sekalipun/begitu)
Ex: My boss is talk active, yet she is a nice person.

2.          Conjunction Adverb : menghubungkan compound sentece (however,other wise,there fore,besides,never theless,thus,consequently,furtther more,accordingly,more over).
a.    However (akan tetapi)
Ex: I’d like to go, however,  I don’t have time.
b.    Otherwise (kalau tidak)
Ex: you must study hard, otherwise you will fail in the examination.
c.    Therefore (oleh karena itu)
Ex: He had to finish his home work  therefore, he stayed at home yesterday.
d.    Besides (tambahan/lagi pula)
Ex: I didn’t miss much not going to the movies besides, I had a lot of home work to do.
e.    Nevertheless (Namun/meskipun begitu)
Ex: That man is proved gilt: nevertheless he is allowed to go free.
f.     Thus (jadi)
Ex: she is still at home thus she can’t  come
g.    Consequently (sebagai akibat/maka dari itu)
Ex: Business is good consequently everybody I happy in my office.
h.    Furthermore (selanjutnya,lagi pula)
Ex: I can’t enter my house because my key is lost furthermore it is hard for me to find it.
i.      Accordingly (jadi,maka)
Ex: she is too weak to walk accordingly, she stayed in bed.

j.      Moreover (selain itu,lagi pula,tambahan lagi)
Ex: our equipment is sophisticated moreover, it will fit into the space viable.

3.    Correlative Conjuction
Conjuction yg dalam pemakaiannya berpasangan dengan conjuction lain)
Not only……….but also……

• .Not only Masya but Tina is sad.
(tidak hanya masya tapi juga Tina yang sedih)
Neither Masya not they are sad
(masya dan mereka tidak sad)

4.    Subordinate Conjunction
Subordinate Conjunction digunakan dalam complex sentence : after,as soon as,as if,as thougth,because,before,if/unless,in order that,provided,since,so that,thought/althought,until,when,whether,while,as whereas.

a.    after (setelah)
After she had written the letter, she posted it.
b.    as soon as (segera telah)
As soon as the teacher had come, the lesson was started.
c.    as if/as thought (seolah – olah)
He walked as if he were a teacher.
d.    because (karena)
I study English because I want to communicate with the foreigners.
e.    Before (sebelum)
Before I came here, I had bought a pen.
f.     If (jika)
If she comes, I will not come to party.
g.    Unless (jika).
Unless Mrs  senly comes, We can’t collect this paper to her.
h.    In order that (agar,supaya)
We advertise this product in order that it may be known by everyone.
i.      Provided (asalkan)
I will come provided you invite me.
j.      Since (sejak)
It is just a month since he left.
k.    so that (supaya)
I save my money so that I can buy a laptop.
l.      Though/although/even though (walaupun)
Even though I am sick, I still want to go to school.
m.  Until (sampai)
Please wait until I finish this.
n.    When (bila mana)
When the telephone rings, I will answer it.
o.    Whether (apakah)
Do you know whether Anto is coming?
p.    While (sementara)
While I was sleeping, my sister was watching TV.
q.    As (ketika)
As she was leaving the house, someone came to his house.
r.     Whereas (sedangkan,sebaliknya)
Aurel  is lazy whereas his brother is very diligent.
s.    In case (jika seandainya)
You can go on in case I don’t come here.
t.      On the contracy/on the other hand (sebaliknya)
If you study hard, you will get a good score on other hand, you will fail if you don’t study hard.

Minggu, 10 Februari 2013


RELATIVE PRONOUNS (Kata Ganti sebagai penghubung dlm Kalimat Majemuk), adalah kata yang digunakan untuk mengganti pronoun dalam kalimat majemuk. Kata yang digunakan biasanya adalah:
1.             Who (yang), dipakai untuk mengganti pronoun orang sebagai subjek.
Aji came to my home.
 He won the Mathematics contest.
(Aji datang ke rumahku. Ia menang lomba Matematika)
He=subjek,  won=predikat,  the Mathematics contest=Objek
 Aji who won the Mathematics contest came to my home.
(Aji yang menang lomba Matematika itu datang ke rumahku)
Pada 2 kalimat yg dicetak tebal di atas, yang merupakan pronoun adalah "he" (kalimat 2) karena "he" merujuk pada kata Aji (laki-laki), posisi "he" adalah sebagai subjek kalimat ke 2.  Maka kata "he"diganti dg "Who" dan ditulis setelah "Aji". Lihat hasilnya di atas.

2.         Whom (yang), dipakai untuk mengganti pronoun orang sebagai objek.
The boy flies a kite.
 I call him.
Anak itu menerbangkan layang-layang. Saya memanggilnya)
I=subjek,  call=predikat,  him=objek
=The boy
 whom I call flies a kite
(anak yang saya panggil itu menerbangkan layang-layang)
Pronoun (kata ganti yang sama di kedua kalimat itu adalah "him" dengan "the boy"). Sedangkan kedudukan "him" adalah sebagai objek, jadi relative-nya menggunakan "whom". Karena kata"him" sama dengan "the boy", maka penulisan "whom" nya juga setelah "the boy. Lihat contoh di atas.

3.         Which (yang), dipakai untuk mengganti pronoun selain orang sebagai subjek atau objek.
Contoh dalam kalimat:
The colored pencils are very beautiful.
 They are expensive. 
(Pensil warna itu bagus sekali. harganya mahal)
They=subjek,  are=predikat,  expensive=komplemen
=The colored pencils
 which are expensive are very beautiful. 
(Pensil warna yang mahal itu bagus sekali)
Contoh lain:
Amir hit the dog.
 It was barking a lot.
(Amir memukul anjing itu. Ia menggonggong terus)
It=subjek,  was barking  a lot=predikat.
=Amir hit the dog
 which was barking a lot.(Amir memukul anjing yang menggonggong terus)

4.         Whose (yang ...nya),  dipakai untuk mengganti possessive pronoun (kata ganti kepunyaan).
Contoh dalam kalimat:
The baby is crying.
 Its mother is sick.
(Bayi itu sedang mengis. Ibunya sakit)
Its=pronoun kepunyaan,  mother=benda kepunyaannya. "Its" merujuk pada "the baby"
Maka penulisan relative "whose" nya ada;ah setelah "the baby".
 The baby whose mother is sick is crying.
(Bayi yang ibunya sakit itu sedang menangis)

5.         That (yang), dipakai untuk mengganti pronoun orang atau benda (who, whom, which).
 who won the Mathematics contest came to my home.
 that won the Mathematics contest came to my home.
The boy
 whom I call flies a kite
=The boy
 that I call flies a kite
The colored pencils
 which are expensive are very beautiful.The colored pencils that are expensive are very beautiful. 

Minggu, 03 Februari 2013


Preposition (adalah “kata depan”, dalam Bahasa Indonesia) bukan sebagai kata penghubung dalam kalimat. Preposition biasanya bergabung dengan kata lain (verbs [kata kerja], nouns [kata benda], atau adjectives [kata sifat].

Berikut kata-kata yang tergolong prepositions (kata depan):
At (pada)
She shows remarkable ability at mathematics. (Ia menunjukkan kemampuan luar biasa pada/ di bidang matematika)
I’m not very clever at cooking (saya tdk begitu pandai [dalam] memasak)
At the cinema (di bioskop)
          I saw him at noon. (saya bertemu dengan dia pada siang itu)
Of  (dari, terhadap, karena, …)
Sari is afraid of cockroach.  (sari takut terhadap kecoa)
two of five students (dua dari lima siswa)
Far more smokers than non-smokers die of lung-cancer. (Jauh lebih banyak perokok dari ada yang bukan perokok yang mati karena kanker paru)
Both of the children have been to Greece. (Kedua anak itu telah ke Yunani)
On (pada, di [atas], atas,  tentang)
On Monday morning (pada hari Senin pagi)
She lives on Boulevard Street. (Ia tinggal di Jln. Boulevard).
Put the dish on the shelf. (Taruh piring itu di atas rak)
We may go sailing – it depends on the weather (kami mungkin berlayar, bergantung pada cuacanya)
We say congratulation on your success (kami mengucapkan selamat atas keberhasilanmu)
They are on the bus (mereka ada di bus)
Seminar on Better life (seminar tentang hidup yang lebih baik)
In       (di [dalam])
          I saw hin in September. (Saya bertemunya di [bulan] September)
          She lives in Sindang (Dia tinggal di Sindang)
With (dengan, terhadap)
Mr Joe was really angry with me (Pak Joe benar-benar marah terhadap saya)
He goes to Surya with his girlfriend (Dia pergi ke Surya dengan pacarnya)
I believe with Allah, the Supreme God (Saya perbaya kepada Allah, Tuhan Yang Maha Kuasa)
Within (dalam)
          He will come within some minutes.  (Dia akan datang dalam [waktu] beberapa menit [lagi]).
By (dengan, oleh, sebelum/menjelang, melewati)
She saved money by giving up cigarette (Ia menghemat uang dengan berhenti merokok)
The little boy was saved by a wolf (anak kecil itu diselamatkan oleh seekor serigala)
          I can see you by Monday. (Saya bisa bertemu kamu sebelum hari Senin)
          He walked by his old school without stopping. (Ia berjalan melewati sekolahnya tanpa berhenti)
About (tentang)
We agree about most things (kami setuju tentang berbagai hal)
What are you so angry about? (Kamu marah tentang apa?
For (untuk, atas, karena, selama)
This parcel is for you (parsel ini untukmu)
I must apologize for disturbing you (saya mesti minta maaf karena telah mengganggumu)
O, God. Please forgive me for my sins (Ya Tuhan, ampuni saya atas dosa-dosaku)
We have studied in SMP 1 Sindang for three years (kami telah belajar di SMP 1 Sindang selama 3 tahun)
After (setelah, mengikuti [nama])
He comes into the hall after Yulia (Ia memasuki bangsal setelah Yulia)
We called him Thomas, after his grandfather (kami memanggil ia Thomas, mengikuti nama kakeknya)
Before (sebelum)
          I will see you before Wednesday. (Saya akan menemuimu sebelum hari Rabu)
From (dari, dengan, karena)
He comes from Medan (Dia datang dari Medan)
You’re very different from your brother (Kamu sangat berbeda dengan saudaramu)
He suffers from itching (Ia menderita [karena] gatal-gatal)
Into (menjadi, ..)
Put the jumbled words into a good sentence (Letakkan kata-kata acak itu menjadi sebuah kalimat yang baik)
To (kepada, terhadap )
Peggy was pretty rude to my family last weekend (Peggy sangat kasar kepada/terhadap keluargaku akhir pekan lalu)
Try to be polite to Uncle Nono for once (Cobalah berlaku sopan kepada Oom Nono suatu saat)
Up ([ke] atas)
Stand up, please! (berdiri!)
to climb up the mountain (mendaki [ke atas] gunung)
Down ([ke] bawah )
My car started rolling down the hill (mobilku mulai berguling ke bawah bukit)
Off (mati, padam, jauh)
We’ll have to put the party off (Kami akan harus menghentikan/mengakhiri pesta)
Put off the candle! (padamkan lilin itu!)
Away (jauh)
He throws the cigarette butt away (ia melempar puntung rokok jauh)
Go away (pergi jauh)
During (selama)
          I can see you during the week. (Saya bisa bertemu kamu selama sepekan)
Above (di atas [lebih tinggi dari])
          He lives on the floor above us. (Ia tinggal di lantai [atas] di atas kami)
Below ( di bawah [ lebih rendah dari])
          He lives on the floor below us. (Ia tinggal di dilantai [bawah] di bawah kami)
Near (dekat, sinonim dg “by”)
          He lives near the university. (Ia tinggal dekat universitas)
Beside (di samping [pada satu sisi orang/benda yang memiliki dua sisi])
          He sat beside his wife during the party. (Ia duduk di samping isterinya selama pesta)
Between (di antara [dua])
          He sat between his two sons. (Ia duduk di antara dua anaknya)
Among ( di antara [lebih dari dua])
          He sat among his friends (Ia duduk di antara teman-temannya)
Opposite (berhadapan langsung dengan )
          The museum is just opposite the post office. (Musium tepat berhadapan langsung dengan kantor pos)
Around (di sekitar)
          The ship sailed around the island (Perahu itu berlayar di sekitar pulau)
Toward(s) (ke[arah])
          Pilgrims headed toward(s) Mecca. (Para jamaah haji bergerak ke (arah) Mekah.
Away from (jauh dari)
          They moved away from their old neighborhood. (Mereka pindah jauh dari tetangganya yang lama)
Through (melalui)
          You can drive through that town in an hour. (kamu bisa mengendarai [mobil] melalui kota itu dalam sejam)

Fungsi Kata Dalam Bahasa Inggris

1) Verb atau Kata Kerja. Fungsi: sesuatu yang dilakukan/ dikerjakan atau keadaan.
Contoh kata (digarisbawahi) dalam kalimat: I study English every day. English is my second language.

2) Noun atau Kata Benda. Fungsi: benda atau orang.
Contoh kata (digarisbawahi) dalam kalimat: I live in a house with my family.

3) Adjective atau Kata Sifat. Fungsi: mendeskripsikan sebuah kata benda.
Contoh kata (digarisbawahi) dalam kalimat: I have a blue book. My book is blue.

4) Adverb atau Kata Keterangan. Fungsi: mendeskripsikan sebuah kata benda, kata sifat, atau kata keterangan itu sendiri.
Contoh kata (digarisbawahi) dalam kalimat: My teacher speaks English fluently. He is very smart and he writes really quickly too!

5) Pronoun atau Kata Ganti. Fungsi: mengganti sebuah kata benda.
Contoh kata (digarisbawahi) dalam kalimat: Galih is my friend. He is Indonesian.

6) Preposition atau Kata Depan. Fungsi: menghubungkan sebuah kata benda dengan kata lain.
Contoh kata (digarisbawahi) dalam kalimat: I live at Jalan Diponegoro in Denpasar.

7) Conjunction atau Kata Hubung. Fungsi: menghubungkan kata, klausa, atau kalimat.
Contoh kata (digarisbawahi) dalam kalimat: My friend likes ice cream and pizza, but I don’t like them all.

8 ) Interjection atau Kata Seru. Fungsi: seruan pendek, kadang digunakan di dalam kalimat.
Contoh kata (digarisbawahi) dalam kalimat: Hi! How are you?